28th June 2009, Sunday, 22:52:35
I cooked up some yummy veg pasta for dinner. Yummm!
Anyways, I woke up late today so I read some manga then went out for lunch.
Here are some photos earlier today:
This is the restaurant..
I love this photo...
Then behind that previous photo are the private rooms..
I took this photo from the step-up part.
This is inside room.
still in the room. :p
hot tea and cold beer (the taller one)... oh, and dimsum. (I had lots of dimsum).
Light fixtures... xP
When they served mee we were full alreaaady.
..But we still went for dessert! ^o^
Cousins picking desserts. lol.
When you go through the left door from the "wine cellar" is this pretty room. (It looks rich and warm.)
The chinese writing reads 'horse'. Random photo. I just thought it was nice.
The looong list. It's the menu, dummy.
Desserts, finally. ;)
I liked this one!
This one I didn't eat.. I just thought it'd be nice to take a picture of.
And they had fruits too~ dragon fruit was one of them. Look at all those lil dots.
That concludes my post today. We went somewhere after then home. Unfortunately my cam ran out of batt when we were taking group piccies! (what great timing! X_X) So I don't have the group picture on my cam. =(
It was a lurvely lunch~~
26th June 2009, Friday, 22:49:20
I just got home. Went out to buy printer today coz the old printer kenna broke down already. =.= HAha. Finally got a new one! So heavy laaa. It looked so light but it's not! o_O It's one of them new all-in-one printers so it's a bit bulky.
Anyways, I can't wait to continue reading Sand Chronicles. I'm so hooooked! Daigo! <3 And the characters are so cute. ;)
Later then. ;)
24th June 2009, Wednesday, 17:07:13
Gee. How fast time has flown by today. =S
I was just about to say I love the hols coz I definitely NEED rest. (But I didn't really get any!~~) And well, with lack of nothing better to do I decided to change my layout. (And work on that little online shop I was going to put up).
It's already 5~~ I have been sitting my butt off the whole day la. I'm not sure if we're going out for dinner yet coz the weather is really bad. Very warm one minute and pouring the next. No wonder people are getting sick. o_O
Oh yeah, speaking of which, uncle from hk phoned today. Turns out our cousin from hk is coming to visit us tomorrow. Tomorrow. x_X With all the flu thing going on! Haha. I was forced to cancel my flight because of the flu but my relatives are running all over the world (that includes auntie who's going to Taiwan next week).
I don't know how things are going to turn out yet but we're probably going out to meet with hk cousin for dinner tomorrow. Hahaha.
I'm going to have some peppermint tea now... n_n;
18th June 2009, Thursday, 23:07:22
Fun day today (and yesterday).
I left my lappy and my cammy somewhere but now that I have them again makes me happy. :3
I had fish and chips for dinner last night and I lurved it~~
(no photo though coz I left my cam).
And then tonight I had nuggets. Ahh. Too many fried things. Unhealthy!! Haha.
Oh yeah~~ I bought this can today... x3
It's used to hold cigs but I love it so I bought it anyway. :D
..with the lid open...
HAha. I'm currently into this:
You know how you love to play with those squeezy stressballs back when you were a kid?
Well, I found this one!
And yes, it's a very cute stressball which takes the form of.. what else, bread. ^o^
This is its underside.. Haha. It looks very much like the real thing!
Coloured pens! Haha.
It looks pretty much like the staedtler ones I own that came with the triangular case..
... only cheaper.. :p Haha. (and that includes the quality too~)
But it's pretty innit. xP
Haha. I love coloured pens (don't we all). :P
And then there's this one that has cute characters on it.
I oso got this bear today (hm.. now that I look at it it could be a rat? xP) Haha.
Bear in tux..
I was browsing fb today and got this error message. Haha. I took a screenshot coz it's so cute.
So random, right? :p
And finally, this is where I end my post because it's late and I have much to do!
p.s. (much to do = jap homework!!)
10th June 2009, Wednesday, 23:07:35
Lovely dinner last night at Cafe Breton. Gaaah. I just love everything on their menu. xP
the interior..
the welcome sign..
veal, onion, mushroom, and sausage.. ~heavenly
Galette Paysanne.. ~this was okay but I prefer Galette Marrakech with the spicy sausage.
Hamburcrepe.. for a change I ordered this one and turns out I love it. xD It was perfect.
peppermint tea~ I love... ♥
Oh yea, and then we had cake...
That's pretty much it...:)
2nd June 2009, Tuesday, 22:47:30
The rain starts pouring and I lost my internet connection. T_T How annoying is that. Anyway, I guess that's a good thing since I have been feeling pretty lazy to update these past few days and now with lack of nothing better to do.... I'm writing. :P
Last week's jap class had been fun. We ended late because of the class we missed the previous week. I really felt sleepy the whole time though! ..because I studied at home and the lessons were soo slow. =.= The only fun part would have been when we did charade. Haha. Haven't played that game in a long time. I don't normally like it but this time it was fun because our team won. :) (and we all had a good laugh.. xP)
And what did I get to act out? this --> 私は駅で恋人にあいます。 I didn't know what 恋人 (koibito) was (plus it was written in hiragana.xP)..but now I do. Haha. I just learned a new word --lover. Lol.
Une amie m’a laissé un message et elle m’a dit qu’elle se mariera le 3e juillet de l’ année prochaine. Gah. Mais je aussi pars d’espagne (en juin-juillet). ~_~ Je suis devant un dilemma *grande!* maintenant. Les deux sont très important. J’ai déjà le plan de y etudier cette année mais le flu ..c’est un peux répandu et alors, ma mère m'a dit que ça ne marche pas...que je ne peux pas y aller cette année. Et bien.. l'université m'a envoyé un email qui dit que je peux y aller l’ année prochaine. Je ne suis pas sûr quand est-ce qu'on commencer le cours... mais cette année il va commencer ce mois. T_T
Aaaah! *cries* :((
. . .
Right now I'm only hoping everything turns out the way I want them to be. I'm really torn! =,(
Why do they have to happen on the same month? T_T
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