Skies from 2011/05/10:
Beautiful play of colours.

[left] and [right] images were shot seconds apart. :D
Bought this last week:
It's been ages since I last had
Andes choc. This still is my favourite flavour! :D
It's this small, 28 pieces in a box.
A little more expensive than Meiji's Meltykiss.
But the consistency of their chocs are pretty different, so I can't really compare.
More moon photos from me this week. :D
2011/05/14 Saturday:
[one more moon photo coming up at the end of this post!]
Stocked up on some coffee Saturday evening..
I was drinking this yesterday afternoon:
It's the second time I drank something from this brand,
Last time I had
Ichigo au Lait [イチゴオレ] = Strawberry Milk. It was lovely!
So this time I tried their coffee, they have loads of different blends too.

It had a good smell, the taste was to my liking. [Definitely better than the
Suntory Boss I had last time!:D]
I will definitely buy again.:P
So, here are more unnecessary things I chanced upon:
Yes, it's duct tape!:D What I'd do with it, I do not know. I like the colour. I think I will use it to patch up some stuff in my room, or seal boxes.
And this, can you guess what it is?
It's a heavy duty adhesive thingy...
Mounting tape, it says.
I love Scotch products.O_O
Like it says, no more nails! :D
Oh, and what's good about it is you can use it outdoors, rainproof and all.>_<"
My friends know how crazy I can be about paper thingies I keep and handouts.
This is what I do on weeekends.
Ever since I learned how to bookbind I have been binding everything! And most of them have survived the worst flips and falls.
I have been binding since .. as long as I can remember! :P
It keeps my stuff neat. [These are some of the German language exercises I got recently.]
It takes about half a day for the spine to harden and dry (depending on the weather). Here it is drying.:D
I also found a book on 関西弁 recently. I love love Kansai.:D 関西弁のアックセント可愛いだと思う、大好きや。
Haha, my normal japanese isn't even that good yet and I'm jumping to another form.
I should probably keep this for later. :D
I should stop buying things I don't need! T_T
Mini speakers. They were cute so I bought them!
My psp doesn't actually need them because it already comes with its own built-in speakers.
Lol, but my old
Apacer MP3 Player probably does. :P
The sound that comes out is not very loud though, it's meant for your own ear I guess.
I watched the sunset yesterday. It was beautiful.
Yesterday was exceptional. いい天気や。
I love how warm this looks:
..the calm blue skies mixing in with the setting sun's fiery colour.
..Can you imagine India in this photo?
..Such a beautiful colour. It looks like a lake, with mountains in the background.
It's actually the sky!
As promised, here's the moon shot from yesterday evening.
Looks creepy.. somewhat. But I love this shot and how the moon silhouettes the branches.
Can you see how the moon has changed in just one day? ;P
Until then.:D
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