I can't think of any other title for this post! :D
I bought a foldable trolley bag for very cheap! I usually have a lot of stuff hanging around me when I travel.. and it'd be so convenient to just put everything in here while waiting at airports and such.
Until recently, there aren't any direct flights from here to Europe, and it is too much of a hassle to go through multiple security checks with a number of (hand-carry) bags. XD
This one is big enough to store my backpack, my shoulder bag, my camera, and an extra jacket/hat (they can be quite bulky).
Good news is that a few months ago they have announced direct flights (certainly a good thing!), so I don't know if I'll still be needing this.:D
I bought some nice stick-on hooks but haven't decided where to place them.
Also have a load of S-hooks hanging around in my room. They are super useful and I love using them.
Books to sort..
I used to be so much of a bookworm (not so much during my univ years); recently this side of me is crawling its way back. XD So I have been clearing my shelves and setting aside books that I no longer need/want t0 read, and books that I would want to read again -- making space for some new ones.:3
I am reading this one by
G.P.Taylor at the moment,
Mariah Mundi - The Midas Box. Tales like this intrigue me, and the characters delving into such an adventure becomes an adventure of my own. Do you ever feel this way when you pick up a book? (Like you see yourself being one of the characters in the story, something like that.)
I have also kept myself busy reviving this part of my room. The fabric/old upholstery of this couch bored me, and the colour is far too dark to my liking I decided to change it.
Here you see the new fabric, more vibrant, happy colours.
As you can see I have yet to straighten out the edges and stitch in some garter to keep it in place.
I love this part next to the window, it's sunny and perfect place to pick up my guitar and practice.
(More than that one of my neighbours keep their connection open and this is the only part of the room where I get a signal! X3)
I bought this as well, a super cute mobile strap! :3
and some
usamimi hair accessories.
Really love these colours and the polka-dot pattern! :D