Monday, May 06, 2013

Weekend Project :: Fabric Fun - Rilakkuma Bag

Simple things make me happy -- and Rilakkuma is one of them! :3


This weekend I was going through my stash of art supplies and found this unused set of Pentel Fabric Dye Sticks

I really love this brand and their products. The colours come out really well!

It comes in fifteen colours and I knew what I had to do!


What I used for Rilakkuma:



The completion of this project requires the use of an iron -- which I do not have!

Instead, I resorted to the use of my hair straightener! X3

The print lightened a little after coming in contact with a direct heat source. I used normal paper and some of the colour transferred while ironing it. Wax paper would probably be more ideal. :3

after ironing

The colour really did stay, however -- meaning the colours did not bleed anymore! (Although I have yet to test it out in the wash) :D

I know the bag is crease-y and all, but this was a spare one I bring with me all the time, just in case I had to pay extra for a bag after my purchases. (I guess I am stingy like that! :S)

I can't wait to use this! XP

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