Saturday, December 08, 2012

Cards from India

Last week, I bought some books again (..and absolutely no time to read them! XD I now have a pile of books waiting to be read! :P)

..and guess what I found!

Some beautifully-made cards from India..

They're supposedly made from recycled material. (even the envelopes had a nice grainy texture!)

Each pattern held a particular reference to Indian culture,

and were explained in great detail at the back of each card.

Besides these that were printed on brown paper, here are some that were painted in gold.

Such intricate details.

And again a short description about it.

The other one in red

I got these at a bargain, and were sadly the only ones left!

It came with stickers (the name of the card maker on it)

Looks almost like cloth!

Amazing craftsmanship.


Only 9 days until Berlin. ♥♥

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