Sunday, March 02, 2014

My narcissistic side

Photos taken yesterday.

The lighting was really too good to pass up.XD

I have just cut my hair a week ago,

I cut it in layers like I always do. :3 Also trimmed my fringe but it looks a little chunky. n_n;

I think I did a good job with the layering though. :P


Oddly I look like I have a wig on in that last photo. Haha.XD

This shade of green is my least favourite colour (I use this as sleepwear), but somehow it looks nice in this photo... surprisingly.


Anyway, also changed my twitter header and avatar a few days ago, (be warned: Still NODAME-themed! XD)

Twitter: @miyuupepper
Instagram: @xxpepperonixx


1 comment:

  1. You look good! I want to layer my hair too, they look (and are!) too heavy

